How to create an action for unapplied payment reminder in accounts receivable workflow?

Follow the steps below to create an action for unapplied payment reminder in accounts receivable workflow:

1. Go to "Accounts Receivable Workflows" from "Settings".

2. You can create a new workflow or edit an existing one to add the unapplied payment reminder action.


3. Click on "Create Action" in the workflow.

4. Once the action editor pops up, fill in the details as necessary.

To learn more about creating an action in detail, check out: How can I add a new action in the workflow?

As the action type, choose "After Unapplied Payments" to trigger automatic reminders for unapplied payments.

5. Customize the email with placeholder as per your requirement and click on "Update Action" to save the action.


Now, your customers will receive email notification to apply payment as per the action.