What are custom rules and how to set them up for accounts payable?

With Peakflo's Accounts Payable rules, managers and admins can have full flexibility and control over their payables.

Admins can set custom rules for bills, purchase orders, bill line items, purchase order line items, vendors and approvals to automate payables management further. Follow the below-mentioned steps to add a new custom rule:

  1. Go to Settings and click on Rules.

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  2. You will see different tabs with different properties of custom rules.


  3. Click on the Add Rules button on the top right to add a new rule.

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  4. A dialogue box will appear with different types of properties for rules. Select the one for which you want to create the custom rule.

  5. The page to create custom rules will appear. Enter a name to the rule.

  6. You can get creative in the way you use them. A few of its applications are: 
  • (Bill Rule) Showing certain custom fields during the creation of a bill

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  • (Bill Rule) Showing bills to users based on the vendor name or custom fields.

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  • (Bill Rule) Calculate bill Schedule Date automatically from Terms of Payment.
    Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 17.56.12
  • (Bill Line Item Rule) Ensure that the vendor bill line items match the line items of the existing inventory.

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  • (Approval Rule) Creating approval rules for different departments and assigning multiple approvers based on department name.
    Screenshot 2024-03-18 at 2.27.20 in the afternoon

Important Note

  • When the custom field is on Bill/PO level you should use the "IS" operator in the "Condition" box for approval rules.
    For example, if the "Object" is "Department" which is a custom field for bill, the condition should be "IS".
    Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 5.45.10 AM
  • When the custom field is on Bill/PO line item level you should use the "AT LEAST ONE LINE IS" operator in the "Condition" box for approval rules.
    For example, if the "Object" is "Tax Type" which is a custom field for bill line item, the condition should be "AT LEAST ONE LINE IS".
    Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 5.43.37 AM
  • (Vendor Rule) Creating rules based on vendor information

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Click on the Save the Rule button and the custom rule will be created.


1. How can I set a rule so that bills over a certain amount can't be submitted unless an approved PO is matched to it?

To make PO and Bill matching mandatory for bill submission over certain amount, take reference from the image below:

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Here, a new bill rule is created which entails, when the bill about is equal to 5000 and currency is SGD, then Purchase order is mandatory.