How to set up approval policies for invoices and credit notes?

An approval policy provides a structure for approving invoices and credit notes in an organization. Learn how you can set up the invoice and credit note approval policy in Peakflo.

Follow the steps below to set up approval policies for invoices in Peakflo:

1. Login as Admin and select Settings from the navigation bar. Then click on Approval Policies under General Settings.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 7.19.39 PM

2. Click on the Add New button at the top right.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 7.10.42 PM

3. A pop-up will appear, add a name to the policy.

If you want the policy to be the default for Invoices and Credit Notes, check the adjacent box.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 7.13.01 PM

Specify the Amount (greater than or equal to) that would go through the approval process. You can add multiple levels of approvals and multiple approvers in each level too.

You can set AND/OR logic within each approval level:

  • AND: All approvers within the level must give their approval. This means that for a request to proceed to the next level of approval, every approver assigned to that specific level must provide their approval.
  • OR: Any one of the approvers within the level can approve the request. This means that as soon as one approver gives their approval, the request can move forward to the next level without waiting for all approvers to respond.

4. Click the Save and Close button to complete the process.

Recommended Read: How to set up invoice rules?