How to set up invoice rules?

Sometimes the finance teams want to pre-select and set rules for invoices based on reference number, currency or invoice status. Learn how you can set up these rules.

To set up rule for invoices follow the steps below:

1. From "Settings" go to the "Rules" section.

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2. Click on the Add New button, you will see few options. Click on the Add Invoice Rule option.

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3. The page to create custom rules will appear. Enter a name to the rule.
Screenshot 2024-03-15 at 2.09.36 AM

4. You can get creative in the way you use them.
For example, you want to pause the reminder for invoices that has the reference value ABC. Then the rule will be:

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Another example, IF the the currency is SGD THEN the custom field input will be modified to the value NNW.

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For another example, IF the invoice status is approved THEN the reminder for invoices will be unpaused.

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5. Once all the fields are filled, click on the Save Rule button to save the rule.