How to access e-Faktur Pajak and issue invoices?

The e-Faktur Pajak will be issued by the Indonesian Government and Peakflo can validate the faktur pajak with invoices for its clients. Check the article below to learn how:


At the time of Peakflo account setup, depending on your invoicing requirements and company location, the Peakflo team can set up and customize your invoices. Please contact for more details regarding e-Faktur Pajak

Before we walk through how faktur pajak works, Peakflo can procure e-materai invoices for your company. See how e-materai works in this link.

To enable validation for faktur pajak follow the steps below:

1. Go to "Company Configuration" under "Settings".

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 1.10.11 PM

2. Go to the "Accounts Receivable" tab.

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 1.10.39 PM

3. Under the "Invoices" section, enable the "Validate Faktur Pajak" option.

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 1.10.57 PM

4. Click on "Save Configuration" to record the changes.

Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 1.12.54 PM


Now let's see how Peakflo can validate the faktur pajak with invoices:

1. Go to the "invoicing" tab under the "Receivables" section.  

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 9.49.28 in the morning-1

2. Open the invoice and go to the Files tab. Here you can upload the Faktur Pajak by clicking in the "Upload a File" option.

 Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 12.12.34 AM
3. Peakflo will validate the faktur pajak with the invoice details before sending it to your customer. The e-faktur Pajak sent to your customers will be attached to the invoice like in the example below:

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 11.43.33 in the morning

Faktur Pajak date is also validated against invoice issue date along with other details. If issue date and faktur pajak date mismatch then you will not be able to proceed with approval.

In scenarios when any changes are made to a draft invoice, the invoice creator can issue a replacement faktur pajak, also know as faktur pajak pengganti, with the same invoice number. In such cases, Peakflo will proceed to validate the faktur pajak with invoices without matching the faktur pajak date and the invoice issue date.