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How to use Peakflo's AI Assistance?

Peakflo's AI Assistance is designed to enhance your experience by facilitating the search for specific files, guiding you through the functionalities of the Peakflo system to accomplish various actions, and serving as a comprehensive knowledge base for your inquiries. Additionally, it can assist you in drafting professional emails and messages, summarizing account details, and outlining the next steps effectively.

To activate Peakflo's AI Assistance within your system, please reach out to support@peakflo.co for further assistance.


Now let's take a look at how Peakflo's AI Assistance can assist you.

Click on the AI Assistance button on the top right of your Peakflo system to start your journey.

A search bar will appear, allowing you to ask your queries, and the AI will provide you with assistance.

1. AI Assistance will help you perform actions

If you're feeling a bit uncertain about how to carry out a specific action in Peakflo, or if you're just getting started and could use some guidance on our features, don't worry! AI Assistance is here to lend a helping hand.

For example, if you're interested in learning "how to use budgets", simply enter your question in the search bar, and AI Assistance will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to successfully create budgets within Peakflo.

Check the video below to see how AI Assistance will help you:


Now, let's take another example. If you wish to change the password for your Peakflo account, AI Assistance can guide you through the process. Check the video below for a detailed demonstration.

2. AI Assistance will find detailed guides for your inquiries

One of the standout features of Peakflo's AI Assistance is its ability to quickly locate comprehensive guides tailored to your specific questions or needs. With AI Assistance, you have a knowledgeable partner at your side, ensuring you have access to the information you need, when you need it.

For instance, if you're curious about “how to connect Xero with Peakflo,” the AI will provide you with a direct link to an in-depth help portal article. This means you can resolve problems efficiently, without having to sift through countless documents.

Let's take a closer look at how the AI can assist you with this.

3. AI Assistance will be your writing partner

Peakflo's AI Assistance excels as your personal writing assistant. This feature is particularly useful for crafting professional emails, messages, or any other written correspondence you may need. 

For instance, if you need to send a friendly reminder to a customer about an overdue invoice but want the email in another language, simply ask AI Assistance to help with the translation. This not only saves you valuable time but also ensures your message remains professional and clear.

4. AI Assistance will be your summarizer

Another invaluable feature of Peakflo's AI Assistance is its ability to summarize key information and account details.

For instance, if you notice a lot happening in your customer's timeline and want to pinpoint the most important insights, the AI is here to help! It will sift through the information and give you a concise summary that highlights the key details, making it easy for you to make informed decisions without having to dig through everything.

Take a look at the video below to see it in action.