How to add/update the vendor's contact information?

Adding or updating the vendor's contact information is pretty straightforward. Please follow the steps below:

1. Go to the "Vendors" tab under the "Payables" section.

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2. Click on the "contacts" icon next to the vendor name. 

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3. Click on the "ADD NEW" button.

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4. You can now add vendor contact information from here. Add first name, last name, email address, phone number, and even the position of the vendor in the company. 

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5. You can add as many contact points as needed but keep in mind that you can also easily choose the main contacts using the toggle button next to "Main Contact".

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6. Click on "Save"

Keep in mind that you can also access, add, and edit all the contacts of a vendor from the vendor timeline. All you need to do is to click on a vendor name, then go to the "Contacts" tab in the timeline. 

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For updating the vendor contact information, Please follow the steps below:


1. Go to the "Vendors" tab under the "Payables" section.

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2. Click on the "contacts" icon next to the vendor name. 

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3. Click on the pencil icon next to each contact's information.

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4. Edit contact information and then click on "Save"

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Keep in mind that you can also access, add, and edit all the contacts of a vendor from the vendor timeline. All you need to do is to click on a vendor name, then go to the "Contacts" tab in the timeline. 

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