Every vendor is unique, so it's only natural that you'd want to tailor your communications. To do that you first need to understand what is a placeholder.
What is a placeholder?
You've probably noticed that there is always that bracket with some text in it when you are using email templates. These are placeholders, and they auto-fill whatever is between the brackets.
Placeholder examples:
List of Placeholders
Here is a list of the placeholders that Peakflo supports (please watch out for the capitalizations - if not spelled properly, the placeholders will be marked as incorrect tags!)
{{vendorCompanyName}} - The company name of the vendor
{{recipientName}} - Full recipient name (e.g. Sam Smith)
{{recipientFirstName}} - First name (e.g. Sam)
{{PQNumber}} - The purchase quote number
{{dueDate}} - The due date added to the purchase request form
{{deliveryDate}} - The delivery date added to the purchase request form (This placeholder will be blank in the email if the information is not present)
{{deliveryInstructions}} - The delivery instructions added to the purchase request form (This placeholder will be blank in the email if the information is not present)
{{notes}} - The notes added to the purchase request form (This placeholder will be blank in the email if the information is not present)
{{requesterName}} - The name of the requester of the purchase quote
{{requesterEmail}} - The email of the requester of the purchase quote (This placeholder will be blank in the email if the information is not present)
{{requesterPhoneNumber}} - The phone number of the requester of the purchase quote (This placeholder will be blank in the email if the information is not present)
{{myOrgName}} - The organization name of the purchase quote sender
{{myTaxNumber}} - The tax number of the purchase quote sender's company
{{taxNumber}} - The tax number of the vendor's company
{{lineItemTable}} - A table with all purchase quote line item name(s), quantity, unit and description
The example of the email that is received by the vendor: